Inspired off of win lose or draw or Pictionary but being played by you online. Be kind this is my test run yes i realize some of the 5 seconds left pops up first and will be fixed in the future episodes. But for 1 Hour watch a item or thing or animal or person be drawn and see if you can guess what it is in a minute while it is being drawn. Every episode of this game after will be around 10 to 15 minutes. In this game Play by yourself or with a group.

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If you are in the market for some Childrens books here are some links:

Can We Pretend A Inspiring Childrens Book:

Who Farted? A Funny Kids Book:

Fly The Solar System With Me A Science Kids Book:

Colonial America History For Kids:

Teeny the Christmas Elf (a Christmas children’s book)
E-Book link:

Paperback book:

Hardcover book:

The Nativity Camel A Christmas Story (a Christmas children’s book)
E-book link:

Paperback book: